Professional support
Contact us with details about your business and its plans for transformation, change and performance improvement. For instance, tell us the potential challenges that concern you, such as recruitment or headhunting, expansion, an M&A, or internal operations.
Tell us more about your business
To understand your circumstances, we ask you to complete the form attached with details about your organisation. Please find below a list of suggestions you may want to consider to share with us in terms of:
- what are your business concerns
- when are effects likely to be felt
- what are the disruptive scenarios
Filling this information in will help us put you in contact with the right competency.
Potential external sources of disruption
- Political
- Economical
- Technological
- Legal
- Societal
- Environmental
Length of time until effects are observed
Effects are already visible on the business; the organisation is being affected, current mitigation measures are ineffective
Effects likely to impact this financial year, there is a high level of uncertainty, contingency plans are in development.
Contingency plans yet to be developed, risks known broadly but need to be thoroughly assessed, and mitigation measures yet to be established
An investigation is needed to understand the risks and establish mitigation measures and potential remedy by delivering change projects.
Potential business challenges
- Skill gaps are disrupting business-as-usual
- Noncompetitive tech capabilities
- Uninformed decision making due to no analytical data
- Difficult relationships with stakeholders
- Not leveraging digitalisation within the value chain
- High level of power excerpted by suppliers
- Logistics/transportation challenges due to uncertainty
- Lack of cash flow, need to rethink the business model
- Excessive gearing ratio, unable to borrow more capital